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Tenant: Amnon, 39 years old
Tenants Brussel
Kot of studio van 300€ tot maxi 400€ p/maand in Saint-Gilles of niet te ver van Gare du midi
I will work close to Bruxelles midi and will study online and am looking for a room or studio, with ideally a big bed for 1 person, for around 1 year. I love languages, gender diversity, trains, reading and biking. You can speak Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and some other languages with me. I also want to learn Finnish, Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew and Greek. I would love to live in a quiet place with 1 or maximum 2 flatmates. Neighbourhoods not too far from work and studies: Molenbeek-St-Jean, Schaerbeek, Uccle, St-Gilles, Ixelles and Forest.
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